Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Whats Going on In the Year 2020?

The American Reflections Car Club thanks all of you car nuts for a great year of car stuff.   In 1999 we had our show in Moxee on another rainy, windy, day and the car count was down after we had planned a great show for everyone.  BUT, that's the way these things happen sometimes.  It was our 19th annual show, celebrating our 19th year as a club, held on the 19th of May in the year 2019.  We thought that was pretty special.  THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTS US.

We also co sponsored the Hot Rods and Motorcycles event at the Burger Broiler this past year.  We almost tripled their sales for a late Friday afternoon.  So our Burger Broiler Manager was promoted and transferred to another location leaving the restaurant with a new and less than enthusiastic manager.  On one of the event Fridays there was a conflict between management and some of the car people and so, the car people took the event to the Stop and Go on Fruitvale. 

Stop and Go on Fruitvale has always been car friendly place but shortly after the Friday night cruise in was established, the restaurant burned.  Now they are frantically working on a restoration to get up and running again.


If you are a car person or even know a car person, get ready yourself and tell them to do so as well.   Our 20th annual car show has been cancelled for the year 2020.  We were planning on adding more advertising and a SWAP MEET to the show, along with everything else that has made our show great in the past, but due to the spreading of the Coronavirus and the possibility of adding to the problem, our show has been cancelled.  

I would like to publicly thank Mr. Dick Shill for he has been working on something that could be one of the greatest successes since the Selah Cruise days.  In lieu of the partial demise of the hot rods and harleys event, he has been contacting restaurants snd other interested parties in the Yakima Fruitvale area.  Including Dennys, Sheris, Sweet Bees, The Ranch and more setting up a Friday night event for 2020.  With all restaurants involved in this hotrod event up and down the boulevard, then a cruise would definitely be in order.  


Then on Saturday morning you can get your day started with "Cars and Coffee". now being held at Dennys on Fruitvale from 7AM to 9AM.

Along with these privileges come a warning as with anything else.  Those who do burnouts and show off excessively, park in un-designated areas, or disrespect any of the businesses along this route could possibly ruin it for all of us.  So, lets be cognizant of our actions.

I am also currently working on the 2020 car show listing that I do each year for those of you who are interested in area car shows.  

Due to the possibility of spreading the Coronavirus, our car show has been cancelled.  Stay tuned for new up-coming events this year.

UPDATED April 02, 2020


Monday, May 20, 2019

2019 Show is now a Reflection. Did You Miss a Good One?

Each year, as our show date gets closer, we all keep an eye on the weather.  At first, the date looked good.  Then, they predicted rain around the date of our show.  The day before was beautiful. Then late the night before, it started to rain, and continued on through Sunday morning.  Last minute car show attending decisions are made the morning of a show and so, we were down about 100 cars from the previous year.  In the rain, I got to the park at about 7am.  Usually there are cars in line waiting at this time of the morning.  On this morning, one car!

To top things off, the city of Moxee had remodeled their park and we had no power.  They took out all the wooden poles and replaced them with new metal poles, park lighting and a PA system.  A great upgrade of the park but the power company did not hook up anything.   Then the sky opened, the rain stopped and cars started to arrive.
We gained electricity through the means of extension cords, the vendors used generators, and the show was under way.  Did you miss it?  It turned out to be a great show as it usually does for us each  year.  Not great numbers, but we had about 118 entries.   The show must go on, rain or shine and it has for many years.  Next year will be out 20th year and we need to plan something special for all of you that choose to participate.

Here are a few photos of the show: Click on the photos to enlarge.